Viles Arboretum Enhances Event Spaces with Improved Video Conferencing Technology

Viles Arboretum, an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is proud to announce the installation of new conferencing equipment in their three rental spaces. The Arboretum's 224-acre botanical garden, located in Maine's Capital City, offers miles of trails, a rotating suite of programs and events, a full-service visitor center, and a variety of habitats home to flora and fauna of statewide importance. 

Getting Ahead of Invasives - Strategies for Spring Management

Spring is one of the best times to get a handle on invasive species. For herbaceous invasives such as shrubby honeysuckles and bittersweet, they are just beginning to leaf out making them easy to identify without the added risk of spreading seeds that we get in the fall. For our more mobile invasives including insects such as the brown-tail moth, most have not yet left their dormant stages at the start of spring, making it easy for us to get ahead of them before they begin to disperse. Taking the time to control invasives and encourage native species in your own backyard will help create higher-quality habitat for wildlife, and reduce your long-term maintenance costs on your landscape. 

American Chestnut Seedlings for Sale 2023

We are excited to announce that we will once again be offering American chestnut seedlings in 2023. In partnership with the Maine Chapter of the American Chestnut Foundation we are happy to be able to provide access to these incredible trees.

Spring Market and Plant Sale at the Arboretum

Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes the highly anticipated Spring Market and Plant Sale at Viles Arboretum in Augusta, Maine. This annual event draws gardening enthusiasts from all over the state, eager to stock up on a wide variety of plants and locally made products to support a good cause.

Viles Arboretum Begins Transition to Renewable Energy

Augusta, Maine- Viles Arboretum, driven by its Alternative Energy Committee, has recently joined Powermarket, an innovative renewable energy platform, in its efforts to transition to sustainable and clean energy. As part of this initiative, Viles Arboretum will purchase 85% or more of its electricity from a local solar farm in Otisfield, ME.

Great Backyard Bird Count

Join the Count: Good For You, Good For Birds

Positive vibes go both ways when people connect with birds.

New York, NY, Ithaca, NY, and Port Rowan, ON—The 26th annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place FridayFebruary 17, through Monday, February 20. Bird and nature lovers everywhere unite in the effort to tally as many of the world's bird species as possible over these four days. Combined with other bird counts, GBBC results help create a clearer picture of how birds are faringwhether individual species are are declining, increasing, or holding steady in the face of habitat loss, climate change, and other threats.

Viles Arboretum Welcomes Maine Conservation Corps Environmental Steward

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry recently approved Viles Arboretum as a host site for its 2023 MCC Environmental Stewards Program. MCC stewards volunteer for a 45-week, 1700-hour term of national service. They serve individually with nonprofits, state or federal agencies to increase organizational volunteer capacity and aid in the development and implementation of host sites’ land management plans. We are excited to welcome Harrison Lobb to the Arboretum team. 

Now Accepting Bids for Boarkwalk Project

Viles Arboretum will be accepting bid proposals for our Boardwalk project through March 12, 2023 at 8:00am. Bids submitted after this deadline will not be considered.

For complete details and submission info, please click the link below.


Are "tree-free" alternatives good for Maine's forest? - an opinion piece

I’d like to preface this by saying that no, not all forestry practices across the world can be considered sustainable. There are even some current practices in the State of Maine that couldn’t receive that level of praise. As with all industries, there are some groups that do better than others in considering the well being of the ecosystems they depend on for their products. However, there has been a lot of rhetoric recently which claims that we could replace our need for forest products all together with fast growing crops such as hemp or bamboo. While the use of these products for fiber has merit, and should be considered, it is not likely that these products will be a sustainable option to replace the need for forest harvesting here in Maine. 


The “Forest of the Future '' collection at Viles Arboretum is a series of tree installations designed to take visitors through an immersive, placed-based journey into Maine’s future woodlands. A whimsical concept, grounded in cutting-edge science which demonstrates many of the practices and technologies that Maine landowners can adopt as our State mobilizes to adapt to the impacts of climate change. This collection will have three planting sites, each of which demonstrates key technologies and tools in our fight against climate change.